The Hot Zone Question 2

Using your knoweldge of The Hot Zone and your understanding of society today, answer the following three questions by Thursday, Feb. 4:

If a person has an infectious disease, what are their rights and responsibilities? Should their freedom be limited to protect the general public? Does the public have a right to know when there is a deadly virus nearby?

Respond to two posts by your classmates by Friday, Feb. 5.

Please remember that you are writing to a public audience and, therefore, should use your best grammar and spelling skills.


Paul said…
If a person had an infectious disease, then their rights a person should be suspended. Why should one live freely if others would die because of it? If you caught an infectious disease, you should have enough comapssion and bravery and love for the general public as a whole to give up your freedom for the sake of other. To do otherwise would be selfish, endangering your own family to a killer threat. If you chose to keep your rights, the blood of every single person who had died due that disease would be on your hands. And if you refused, then the government should step in and intervene on the part of the population of the United States. Protecting the rights and freedoms of a single individual while at the same time allowing more and more people to die would unspeakably cruel and inhumane.

The public should have every right to know when and where an infectious disease is, and if it is or was nearby. People should have the chance and choice to evacuate their children in their best effort to help thier kids survive. The government shouldn't have the right to keep an infectious disease under wraps when in fact it could kill innocent, unknowing lives. The government, however, should be incredibly cautious when releasing this information in the effort to stop a nation-wide panic that could threaten the order with chaos and anarchy.
Drew said…
2) Technically, they have no rights except the right the right to medical care. They need to stay out of public and other places (away from others). Nobody needs to know until is pandemic is over because it will cause people to flee spreading the virus.
Andrew said…
( question 2)If a person has an infectious disease they should have a right to a medical doctor or private practice doctor. First, the Army at USAMRIID to preform the actions and the doctor to get the simple things carried out. The persons responsibilities are to stay away from other people during the time of preperations. Also, call others, but don't be specific. Nobody needs to know, because they will cause a mass evacuation. It would cause more fear than a terrorist attack. That would happen when it gets on the news then America will be in a crunch. And a big one too. I also think that they need to know to get out the area, but have a plan to get them out say because of a simpler accident like a gas leak. That is how nobody knew about the accident with the monkeys in the monkey house.
Cameron said…
If a person has an infectious disease they are obliged to medical care and to know what disease they have. They are responsible to go get themselves looked at by a specialist or a medical doctor. Their freedom should be limited but you have to let them have some contact with family and loved ones. If you have a person in solitary containment, they will probably go crazy or become depressed because all they do is lie there and have doctors work on them. The general public has a right to know that an infectious disease is on the loose. The public may panic but they will take precautions to make sure that the disease will not spread.
Evan said…
There are multiple answers to this question. Yet I think that the person with the infectious disease has the right to a suggestion which should be at least 40% of the vote to see if the public should know. Their responsibilites are to keep themselves sheilded from public eyes until vote is made, and too stay away from all public and locked down because there could be a mass panic if the public were to find out while not being informed, and to be in a biocontainment room so as no other person/animal can get the disease.
Jack said…
1) An infected person has some rights, but not many. I think they have the right to their own quarintined room for their comfort and the other patients safety. They should not have to be exposed to the public if they do not want to. They also have the right to speak against what the doctor is doing, because it is the patient's body. For example if the doctor is going to give a patient a malaria shot, and the patient knows it is not malaria the patient should have the right to tell the doctor something.
2)I think the patient should have rights and freedoms, but to an extent. If they want to go outside because they feel "better" The doctor has the right to keep the patient in his/her room.
3)I think that the public should know that there is something going on, but they should not know everything. The public should not know everything because they would start freaking out and that would put more pressure on the people working to stop the breakout who already have an enormous amount of pressure.
Paul said…
Drew, I have to disagree with you on one point. I believe that the public has every to protect themselves from the virus that could, in fact, mean the destruction of their families. If you were going to die, and you had a chance to save your family, what would you do? The government, howver, if they reasonably suspect a person or an area or a state of unknowingly housing a virus, then they should quarintine those they think at risk. They need to work with the public, not aginst it. Working against the will of the people accomplishes nothing.
Paul said…
Andrew, I disagree very strongly with your idea that our government should lie to public in the effort to prevent a panic. The government should never be allowed to issue a false statement to the citizens of this country, for any reason. If they did, then it would completely alter the public's view of the government in general and in particular. Lying would not accomplish anything, and would, in fact, hurt the government as a whole. Everything that would be stated by the government would be suspected, and we could not trust the people who were sworn to protect our rights and liberties as a whole.
Cameron said…
To Drew. Do you expect someone to keep their mouth shut over a large epidemic? Do you think that person with an infectious disease that they do not know about will go straight to a doctor and get a shot? No, the media will find out something from the government and the regular person will think it just a headache and take some normal medicine for a headache. Another thing is that if the public knows they will be more protective over their country and their family’s safety.
Cameron said…
To Paul: I can only say that I agree to the fullest extent of your post. I have to say a perfect description of what would happen and what should happen.
Drew said…
To Paul: You hit the nail on the head. Why should thousands die for one person's rights
Andrew said.. said…
to Evan: I think that people should not have the right to get to know that they have Ebola. It would cause them to go into a panic and they would go downhill from there but i like that they should that at least they get 40% to know about the virus. Good Comment
Andrew said.. said…
To Drew: Good comment i think that people should not know because they would go crazy and then it would cause people to leave and they whole country would be scared. That would be bad. again you had a good comment.

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