Beginning today, we will participate in a moderated discussion forum regarding To Kill A Mockingbird.  Moderated indicates that I will be allowing or disallowing comments to appear--so your answer may not immediately post. All responses should be school appropriate, civil, and in complete sentences.

For each of the statements posted, reply with your thoughts, observations, or analysis from what you have read thus far, from your observations of the world around us, or from what you know in life.  Then, once everyone has responded, choose at least two (2) persons to respond to directly.  You can affirm their response, respectfully disagree, or add on and extend their thinking.  Use your posted thinking questions and charts from our Historical Fiction unit or previous units to help if needed.

Type your first name and last initial at the end of your post.

All men are created equal.


Unknown said…
No,b/c some people are born with diseases and live in terrible places or with terrible people.
Unknown said…
I agree with this, but in To Kill a Mockingbird all of the african-americans are treated like less than whites in the community. The blacks therfore, make their own community, as shown when calpurnia takes Jem and Scout to church, and even their own way of talking.
Unknown said…
I believe, that even now, that some people are not people in other's eyes. One real life example is the civil war. This war was partially because of inequality. Stereotypes also make our society think of some humans as non-humans. Yes, some people are more talented at one thing than others, but we should still see those others as people too. In TKAM colored people are treated pretty poorly (Tom's case).
Unknown said…
Back then many people (especially in Alabama) did not treat black people fairly at all. An example in the story is that Nathan immediately shot at what he thought was a black person. Another example in the story is that Atticus is trying to defend Tom in his case but he will probably not win the trial because Tom is colored. A real world example is how colored people had separate bathrooms and sinks than white people. Brendan D.
Unknown said…
In To Kill a Mockingbird, the whites and blacks are not equal. They treat each other differently and the whites have all the power. I can show a example of this by blacks and whites having different churches. Calpurnia takes Jem and Scout to church and this shows the separation between the two races. Everyone is created in God's image. All men are created equal and not judged by the colors by their skin. I agree with this statement. Johnathan F.
Unknown said…
I believe all men are created equal. I believe this because of what I have been taught as an individual. No matter if you are black, white, Asian, Hispanic, or stripped like a zebra, in God's eyes he made you in his image. That is how people should look at other people. That you are just as human as them. This can connect back to the book because it's like when Atticus taught Jem and Scout to kill a mocking bird is like killing someones human dignity. Collins, T
Unknown said…
I believe that all men are created equal overall. Some people may be better at science than you are, but you would balance it out by being better at something then they are. It doesn't matter what gender or race you are, you are equal to the person right beside you. In To Kill a Mockingbird some people did not believe this. Atticus believed that all people were created equal, but a lot of people did not. For example, Jem is better at sports than Scout is, but Scout has a better imagination. Julia W.
Unknown said…
I believe that all men are created equal, but sadly, that's not always the case in the way they are treated, especially in TKAM around the time of segregation. Racism is something that most people in Maycomb join in on. Though we've come a long way, today, people are still treated wrongly just because they have a different race or gender. We, as a society, need to work harder to make sure everyone has the same opportunity to succeed. Atticus is trying to teach his children to not fall in that hole of treating others differently just because of some stereotype because all men are created equal. I think that we can all learn some lessons from Atticus and his way of life. Victoria L
Unknown said…
I believe that all men are created equal, however there are a few exceptions. What I mean is, all people are created in the same image and likeness. That is what I believe because of my faith and my personal connection. In the text, however, it shows us how people in Maycomb were not all treated equal. The women were treated differently than men, and blacks were treated worse than whites. I do believe that everyone is equal under law, but people have different strengths and weaknesses. The people under law were not equal in TKAM, for example, Atticus' case. I know that in the world today, society tells us that people are superior than others based on color, religion, or likes on a post.
Unknown said…
I believe physically we are not created equal, but in the eyes of God we are. The people in TKAM treat the blacks like they are less physically and in God's image. The black people might not be as masculine as some of the whites, but they are both humans and should treat each other equal because Like Atticus told Jem and Scout, killing a mocking bird is a sin and killing or harming someone less equal physically is like killing a defense less mocking bird.
This is the same concept for physical equality even though you may be stronger than someone else you should not take advantage of them. Andre'P.
Anonymous said…
I agree all people are created equally. I believe this because we are all created in God's image. In TKAM blacks are not treated the same as whites are. We can see this when the people say Nathan Radley shot a black man when he really shot at Jem, Scout and Dill, and when Calpurnia takes Jem and Scout to her church, which is an all black church. Gabby L
Anonymous said…
I can agree that all people are created equal because that's the way God created us to be. In To Kill A Mockingbird, people are not treated equally, the town is racist and you can see this because blacks and whites have separate churches. Racism is still in our world today. People are discriminated because of their color and their nationality. Ramey B
Anonymous said…
I agree with Julia W beacuse it is true that we were all created equal, we are all human. Now we are not all THE SAME. We are all eqaul meaning we are all able to make decisons, breath, blink etc. The talents, uniqueness, and opportunity distibuted amongst us is what makes us different from each other drastically. One person might be able to solve quadratic equations easily while another has trouble solving additon problems. These people are not the same and not equal in this sense, but these people are still equal in the human being sense however. So yes all humans are equal, but not the same. -Luke S
Unknown said…
I don't think that all men are created equal because society gives them a class above others, or sometimes below. Black men, sadly, are usually ranked lower than white men because of their color. People still discriminate them, even though they have more freedom than they used to. Society is not fair and will probably never fair, and men will probably never be equal because of that. Some men are homeless, and even though their lives are worth the same in God's eyes, society now, doesn't see them that way. In To Kill A Mockingbird, men are definitely not treated or born equally, and that shows how our society today lives. Ava B
Unknown said…
I agree with Ramey in some parts, however, even though God created us to be equal, we aren't always that way because of how others look at us and how we live. Once we enter this crazy society, we are stuck with the judgement and discrimination of others that makes every man not equal. Ava B
Anonymous said…
i can agree that all men are created equal because God made us all in his image so it would not matter what race or how we act because we are all the same. All we need to worry about is how God would judge us not other people. Us humans are made to set good examples for God and live out our faith. -bella n
Unknown said…
I believe that under God's eyes we are all created equally man and women. This is because we are created in God's image, but under the our eyes and the law we are not especially in TKAM. The law then and somewhat now is racist. The black man, Tom Robinson, was falsely accused of a crime for something he didn't do. If Tom Robinson was white in would have been a fair trial. Anna V
Anonymous said…
I believe that all people are created equal, in God's image and likeness we were created. He did not create one to be better than the other, we all have our differences but God put us here for a reason no matter what we look like, act like etc. But in the book and also in real life we struggle with racism and treating people in a way that is not the kindest just because they don't have the same skin color as us. In To Kill A Mockingbird the people of Maycomb struggle with racism and they all band together when doing it. An example of this would be when Atticus was talked about constantly because he was defending a black man, when all Atticus was trying to do was the right thing. Many people around this time who were black were frowned upon and didn't get the same advantages as a white person did. The world seems like it likes to say that all men are created equal, but everyone continues to judge others because of their skin color. Gabby P
Carson Quebedeaux said…
I do think that all people were created equal but at the same time not all people were created equal. Although this does sound confusing, I do have a reasoning. I think that not all people are created equally because not all people are put into the same positions. Some people are born into poverty and third world countries while other people are born into successful families who rely on the income themselves and their families have. At the same time though, all people have the ability AND CHOICE to become a better version of themselves. People who are born in third world countries have the choice to stand for a change and be the action for that change. This is why I have two DIFFERENT opinions on equality.
Anonymous said…
I agree that all men are created equal because God made us. It doesn't matter to God what race we are or how we look because that is how he created us. Although, we all do not look the same and act the same in our society, everyone is judged and discriminated. It is not the right thing to do but that is how our society is today. In "To Kill a Mockingbird" Atticus believed that no matter what the person's race or how they look everyone is still equal. Some people think that not everyone is equal. Atticus tries to teach his children that it is not right to judge someone or discriminate them because of their race or how they look. Laynie R
Anonymous said…
I agree with Ramey B partially, but however God created us all equal but in our society that is not how people see other people. People in our world today do discriminate and judge and that is what makes us not all equal. Laynie R
Unknown said…
I think that all people are created equal, but whether people are treated equally or not is a different situation. There is a lot of racism in our world and it truly does affect people a lot. Some people can't even survive because of their color. It's not their fault that they were born like that, so why do we be mean to them for something they cannot control? In TKAM colored people are extremely stereotyped and its unfair that they are innocent, and they are judged because of their color. -Trevor F.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Andre'P because we are not equal in today's society but God made us equal in his eyes. There are many reasons why we aren't equal in today's society. Laynie R
Unknown said…
I agree with Ramey because we see all of the things Ramey said in our own lives, on the T.V. and on social media. Trevor F
Unknown said…
I agree with Brendan D. because in TKAM Nathan did shoot, like Brendan said, at a person because he thought the person was of different color. Nathan stereotyped black people and said that it was probably a black person looking for food. He is stereotyping every black person as poor and basically slaves. Trevor F
Anonymous said…
I agree with Bella because we were created in the image and likeness of God and God made us all equal in the sense that we should all treat others fairly. Being equal is totally different from being the same not everyone acts the same,looks the same, or talks the same but we should never judge someone for that. We were all put on this Earth for a reason and that was to spread the good news not to bring other people down. Izzy F
Anonymous said…
In To Kill a Mocking Bird the African Americans weer treated poorly and judged for just being who they are. We should never judge people for who they are. Also when Atticus stands up for Tom Robinson he is judged for it because Tom Robinson is an African American but this shows that everyone is a human and we shouldn't judge them we should learn to help everyone that is in need just like Atticus did. Izzy F
Anonymous said…
I agree that all men are created equal. We may look different, but we are all made the same. It doesn’t matter if we are a different race, different religion, etc. But what matters most is that we treat ourselves and each other with respect. In TKAM Atticus gets judged for helping a black man in court. They judged him whenever he was just being a good person. Emma S
Carson Quebedeaux said…
I do think that all people were created equal but at the same time not all people were created equal. Although this does sound confusing, I do have a reasoning. I think that not all people are created equally because not all people are put into the same positions. Some people are born into poverty and third world countries while other people are born into successful families who rely on the income themselves and their families have. At the same time though, all people have the ability AND CHOICE to become a better version of themselves. People who are born in third world countries have the choice to stand for a change and be the action for that change. This is why I have two DIFFERENT opinions on equality. While revising my answer, some textual evidence from ""To Kill A Mockingbird" is Tom Robinson's case. Toms example is a prime example of how un-equal this world can treat somebody just because of the color of their skin. A real life example of this can be Rosa Parks sitting on a bus and refusing to get up just because a white woman wanted to sit there. Rosa was not treated equally because of the color of her skin.
-Carson Quebedeaux
Anonymous said…
I think that all men should be treated equal, although they are not always treated equal whether it be the government or other people giving them disadvantages. All men should be created equal because God called us to love one another, and when someone is not treated as fairly as another, they are not loving everyone the same. Another reason is that God put us on this earth to do great things, and if some of us are not treated equally, we cannot accomplish those things. Erin B.
Carson Quebedeaux said…
I agree with Andre' P's answer because we physically were not all created equal. In TKAM people who are African American are NOT treated as well as people who are white. Although this happened in "To Kill A Mockingbird," this also happens in real life and it is very sad to see this happen. In our world today, there have been lots of protest over this issue and lots has justice ha been made because of how big of an issue it is. It is also very sad to see how easily a person is judged just because of the color of their skin or their heritage/background.
-Carson Quebedeaux
Unknown said…
I think that all men are created equal, and should treat each other with respect. No matter what anyone looks like, talks like, or acts like, we should always treat them like we would want to be treated. Brooklyn B
Unknown said…
In my opinion, all people were created equal in the eyes of God, but when it comes to in the eyes of us, no not everyone is equal. I believe this because in To Kill a Mockingbird, African Americans are not treated as well as white people. Atticus even says that he doesn't think that Tom Robinson can win his case just because he is black. Amelie G
Anonymous said…
I agree with Trevor because racism is a big problem in our society. People treat people differently because of skin color, but we are made in God's eyes so everyone is equal no matter what they look like. Brooklyn B
Unknown said…
I agree with Brendan about how people were very racist in Maycomb. However, I don't think Nathan was shooting because he thought it was a black person. He shot because he thought someone was stealing something. It was the other townspeople who thought it was a black person. That is what shows how they are racist. They thought someone was trying to steal something and was just like, "it must have been a black person." Julia W.
Unknown said…
I agree with Bella because God made us exactly how he wants us to be so there is no point in trying to change that or worry about what others think. We should only focus on what God thinks, and we are all created equal in his eyes, even if other people don't view it that way. Amelie G
Anonymous said…
I agree with Gabby because no matter what color skin we have, God created us in his image so it is not fair to criticize that person because of it. Even though people may say that we are all created equal, we continue to judge people for race and looks. Brooklyn B
Anonymous said…
I agree with Gabby P because today, we still struggle with the problem of racism, even though God created all men equal. In "To Kill A Mockingbird", they are treating the blacks different because of their skin, like when Atticus was defending Tom Robinson in his court case. Atticus knew he wouldn't win the trial because the people of the town did not respect the blacks nearly as much as the whites, but he still did it because it was the right thing, and in that scene Atticus showed his lack of racism and judgement of the blacks despite what everyone else thought of them. If God calls us to love all men the same, then we should not treat blacks any different than white people. Erin B.
Unknown said…
In My opinion, not all people are equal. If you has two people, One being a Psychopath who Murdered 10 people and the other is a law abiding citizen, are they equal? The answer is no. John Werther
Anonymous said…
I disagree with Julia because Some people just do not have good talents. They are forgetful, lazy, clumsy, and dull. Couple that with some super smart Olympian, ans you can tell one is better. However, the lesser person should be treated no less than the better. John Werther
Unknown said…
I don't think all people are created equal because everybody has different lives and are going through different situations in their lives. Some people can be in successful lives and others may not be. Some evidence from "To Kill a Mocking Bird" is how the people treat others just by the difference of their skin. "There's something in our world that makes men lose their heads—they couldn't be fair if they tried. In our courts, when it's a white man's word against a black man's, the white man always wins." This shows the problem with racism in "To Kill a Mocking Bird". Allyson F
Unknown said…
I agree with Brooklyn B partly because all people are created by God, but once their lives start, they are put into different lives. Everybody has a different life and are treated differently.
Anonymous said…
I disagree with Erin B because God made the bet people and the worst, such as Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Zedong. These people killed Millions of people for their own gain and yet I am to believe that are equal to People such as Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, or Gandhi. John Werther
Unknown said…
I agree with Gabby P partly because all people are created by God and have a future, but everybody chooses their actions and this makes difference in how everybody lives and is treated.
Unknown said…

I agree with Brooklyn B partly because all people are created by God, but once their lives start, they are put into different lives. Everybody has a different life and are treated differently. Allyson F
Anonymous said…
In God’s vision, all men are created equal. No one is below anyone else, especially because of race or other physical differences. Physically, everyone will have different talents and skills. Some people will be stronger than others while some people will be smarter than others. Catherine C
ashlyn said…
I do not agree with this statement. Everyone one created equal in the same exact way. No man is created different. Many people may be treated different because they have worked for their power, but at the end of the day God sees them all being equal
Anonymous said…
I agree with Amelie because it is true that God has created us as equal, but in our eyes, we have physical, emotional, and mental differences that make some people smarter than other or stronger than others
Anonymous said…
I agree with Ramey because all men are created equal in God’s eyes. In TKAM, racism is a real problem and blacks are considered “below” whites. This is racial injustice and contradicts the law.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Ramey because all men are created equal in God’s eyes. In TKAM, racism is a real problem and blacks are considered “below” whites. This is racial injustice and contradicts the law. Catherine C
Unknown said…
I agree with Gabby and Brookyln. Everyone is created in the image and likeness of God. Many people work for higher respect , but we should never criticize anyone. We are all made by God. For example if we call someone ugly we are telling God that he made someone ugly. We are all the same and I nelieve that we should all be treated the same way
Ashlyn S
Unknown said…

I agree with Gabby P partly because all people are created by God and have a future, but everybody chooses their actions and this makes difference in how everybody lives and is treated. Allyson F
Unknown said…
Everyone is created equal. No man or woman is brithed a special way that makes them more important than others. Many people work for their high respect. When God looks at us at the end of the day he sees that we are all made in the image and likeness of God. God would not rather one person over the other. At the end of the day we should not care how popular we are, we should only care how God looks at us.
Ashlyn S
Anonymous said…
I agree with this because we are all created in God’s likeliness and image. Everybody is equal because God is the one at the end of the day that loves everyone the same and doesn’t prefer people of a certain race over someone that’s in his favorite race. God wanted us to be different so that we could see God in everyone, he didn’t do it so we can be judgy. He made us equal so that we can realize what we do in our own lives. Talents are just part of who you are- it’s not an advantage, some people just make it stereotypical and it really isn’t. It should be seen as this person is amazing just as everyone else is. Everyone has flaws, no one is perfect. Equal and perfect are two different things. - Gabby R
Anonymous said…
I agree with this because we are all created in God’s likeliness and image. Everybody is equal because God is the one at the end of the day that loves everyone the same and doesn’t prefer people of a certain race over someone that’s in his favorite race. God wanted us to be different so that we could see God in everyone, he didn’t do it so we can be judgy. He made us equal so that we can realize what we do in our own lives. Talents are just part of who you are- it’s not an advantage, some people just make it stereotypical and it really isn’t. It should be seen as this person is amazing just as everyone else is. Everyone has flaws, no one is perfect. Equal and perfect are two different things. - Gabby R
Anonymous said…
I believe that God intended for everyone to be equal and created us as such. The way we see each other, however, slightly opposes this. Not everyone views each other equal to others.
Laura C
Anonymous said…
I agree with bella because God wanted everyone to have a path in life and to go in their own ways- not to be perfect but to set good examples and live out in our faith. he wants us to take after him and be equal as humans not by the insides of what we have vs what we don’t. Gabby R
Anonymous said…
I disagree with this statement because it doesn’t matter what we have on the outside and what we do, God made us in an image that he had in his mind. He wanted everyone to love eachother for who they are not just because where they live or what health issues that they have. if everyone lived in good areas they would be perfect and being perfect isn’t the same as being equal. Gabby R
Anonymous said…
I agree with Ramey B and Gabby P in their answers, in that people are created equally, but judging from gets in the way of seeing each other as equals.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Ramey B and Gabby P, I saying that we are created equal, but quick judgements get in the way of us treating others as equals.
Laura C
Anonymous said…
I agree. In my eyes, I see that God made us all in his likeliness and his image. He wanted us to be like him, if everyone took after him we would be equal. Being equal doesn't justify if you are perfect- without flaw. If you are equal it shows how you are among others. I think all men are equal because we are all open to the same thing, we can all be loved the same way by God. God is our number one ruler- he matters the most. Because he matters most, his love is the greatest and if everyone has God's love no matter what you do, its considered equal. Some people aren't treated fairly but that isn't Gods fault, its either you who put yourself in bad situation or people are just being cruel. Being perfect and being treated fairly is not the same as being equal. At the end of he day it all boils down to God, the one who made everyone fair and equal. It matters how he looks at us not how other people look at us.
Gabby R
Anonymous said…
I agree with Gabby P because she says that it doesn't depend on how we are looked at but whats inside us and how God created us. She also states that in the book they worry about color of skin a lot and if you think about it, if you trust in God and listen you understand that its just a skin tone and it shouldn't separate anyone, we should still be treated equal.
Anonymous said…
I think everyone is created equal, but not treated as such. An example of this in everyday life is within schools or the workplace. A lot of snap judgements are made, causing unfair treatment. An example in the book is Tom Robinson, who doesn't seem to have any evidence against him except a white person's word. I agree with Ramey B and Gabby P, namely when Gabby wrote about how racism affects views on equality.
Laura C
Anonymous said…
I agree with ashlyn because everyone was brought to this world for a reason and God made everyone have a reason to be here- everyone is a hero in their own way. He sees how our life will work out and it won't always be fair but everyone has highs and lows, so therefore we are still equal now matter how hard life gets. We should just trust in God.
Gabby R

Unknown said…
I believe that not all men are created equal because some people have different situations or different abilities, and they can have bore abilities than one person or less abilities than another person. Some people may face harder or more difficult challenges in life, and fall behind. Mrs. Dubose was week when she died, but she was fighting a different battle than Scout and Jem where when Jem had cut her flowers.
Camille M.
Unknown said…
I agree with Laura because I think that along with disabilities that are put on us because of fate, but because other people put struggles on us that we can't always deal with.
Camille M.
Unknown said…
I agree with Amalie because some people have put up with the struggles that other people put on them.
Camille M.
Anonymous said…
No, not all men are created equal, not all men are this way because some people might be born with physical issues, and some might have more abilities than others.-Rory
Anonymous said…
-I disagree with Gabby R because even though God made us all equal there are some people that are born without limbs and some people who are born with disabilities.
-I disagree with Ashlyn because once again some people are born differently and some people do bad things that make them worse.
-I agree with Andre because yes, some people are born with disabilities that hold them back further than others.
-Rory Daigle
Anonymous said…
I believe that all men are created equal, but there are a few exceptions. What I mean is that in my beliefs, everyone was made in the same image. However, in TKAM, people were not treated equal. I believe that under law, people should be treated equal. In TKAM, even under the law, people were treated differently on gender, belief, and race. For example, Atticus' case. The man he was defending was already at a disadvantage because he was black. That is why in Maycomb, not all people were treated equal. Ava C.
Anonymous said…
I respectfully disagree with Camille because she says not all men are equal. Although people do have different strengths and weaknesses, at the core of all society, everyone is equal and should be treated as such. Ava C
Anonymous said…
I agree with Laura when she said "I think everyone is created equal, but not treated as such." This has so much truth, because were all created in the same image and likeness of God, but based on color, religion, and social group, some people aren't even treated like human beings. Ava C.
Anonymous said…
I do not agree with this becasue some people have dissabilities and some people are born in a worse situation than others.
-Hunter E
Unknown said…
I agree and disagree because all white men basically are treated equal except the homeless and others and i disagree because black people and mexican people are always stereotyped and such just like Tom Robinson Holden Sellers
Unknown said…
I agree with Camille because so people aren't treated equally and with different situations and abilities because one person may be healthy but the other one may be crippled and not be able to do anything. Holden
Unknown said…
I agree with LAura, but disagree because not evryone is treadted equally, but it depends on how the peron is like if they are crippled or if they are stereotyped. Holden Sellers.
Unknown said…
No men aren't created equal. We are all different and thats how things should be.
Unknown said…
I agree with Laura because I think everyone is created equal, but not created as such. People who are a different gender than white sometimes have a harder time getting into jobs because the boss is racist. I'm not saying that happens every time, but it does happen. Julia W.
Anonymous said…
I believe all men are created equal. I believe this because of my religious beliefs, which are that everyone is equal in God's eyes. Each person deserves to have just as many rights as the person next to them, and nobody should deny those rights from them. It is not that way in "To Kill a Mockingbird". In the town of Maycomb almost everybody is racist, and kids make fun of Scout just because her father is defending a black man.
Anonymous said…
I believe all men are created equal. I believe this because of my religious beliefs, which are that everyone is equal in God's eyes. Each person deserves to have just as many rights as the person next to them, and nobody should deny those rights from them. It is not that way in "To Kill a Mockingbird". In the town of Maycomb almost everybody is racist, and kids make fun of Scout just because her father is defending a black man. Sam J
Anonymous said…
i agree with Tyler because we both believe that God made everyone equal, therefore everyone is equal because God made it that way. Sam J
Anonymous said…
I agree with Gabby L because just because we are treated differently or have different abilities, doesn't mean we aren't equal to God. Sam J.
Anonymous said…
I believe that not all men are created equal, because if someone is born with less money and advantages than other people, they will be treated like the are in the "lower tier" of society even though they should not be treated like that.
Parrish L.
Unknown said…
I agree with Gabby R., God did make us in his image and likeness. He made African American People the same way, yet why do we treat each other differently?
Remy A
Unknown said…
I believe that not all men are created equal because some people are born with disabilities or are born into poverty. There is nothing you can do about that if you were born with it. But I do believe that all people should be treated equally no matter what. Everyone may not look or act the same, but we should still all treat each other the same. An example in the book is they do not treat blacks the same which I believe is not right and they should. They act different towards them.
Mary-Ainsley A
Unknown said…
I agree with Camille because not everyone is born the same. Like she says, people have different situations or different abilities it just depends on what they were born with.
Mary-Ainsley A
Unknown said…
I agree with Carson too because at the same time everyone does have the choice to become a better person. They have the choice to stand up and make change.
Anonymous said…
i agree with Camille when she says that all men aren't created equal because they have different situations or different abilities, but i think that God didn't make one person higher than another person, so they are created equal, just not treated equal. So, in this case I would also agree with Laura.
- haley zerangue
Anonymous said…
I think that we are all born equal, but we can change our value and that our value is sometimes determined by others. I believe we can change our value if we want to do something about it. If we aren't happy about what we think our value is then we can change it. I do also think that our value is determined by others. You could think you are amazing, but if everyone else thinks you are okay, then your true value is probably just ok. It is sad, but it is what I believe is true. I think God made us all equal, but by human tendencies our value changes and isn't really our choice. Your value can be based on different things as well. Some people might base someone's value of our their money, their accomplishments, or their personality. We can change other's minds about us. It isn't easy, but it is possible. Evan C.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Gabby R. I think she makes a good point about how we are all equal, because God loves us all the same. I believe that this is a good point. It makes sense and at the end of the day all that matters is God and our faith. Evan C.
Anonymous said…
I also agree with Ashlyn S. I think the fact about how God's opinion is the only one that matters is true. I like how she included how some people try to receive respect and a high value, but God opinions is the only thing that matters.
aiden breaux said…
I think that we are all born equally in God's eyes. Some people are stronger, faster, and smarter than others, but in the end none of that will matter. We can all be equal just some people have to work a little harder than others at certain things. I believe that if you want to be something or be able to do something you can do it just with work. Aiden B
aiden breaux said…
I agree with Mary-Ainsley because everyone is born into their parents situation. Some people are born into wealthy families and some are born into homelessness. By society we aren't treated equally which I believe that everyone should be treated equally. Aiden B
aiden breaux said…
I agree with Sam because in TKAM all the people in Maycomb are very racist, but this shouldn't be the case because in God's eyes everyone is equal no matter what. AIden B
Anonymous said…
I agree with evan because it is all true that we can change our value and that our value is sometimes determined by others. God made us all equal and for us to treat each other like that. emma s
Anonymous said…
I agree with gabby r because God does make us in his image and wants us to be like him so we can go to Heaven, but we need to stop judging others too. emma s
Anonymous said…
I put a three because all men were created by God equally but treated by human equally. Addison Phares
Anonymous said…
I agree with Adien because we were all ment to be created equally in gods eyes but we might have to do more than others. Addison Phares
Anonymous said…
I agree with Evan because we might be choosen by other what they think of us. Addison Phares
Unknown said…
I think that no men are created equal. I think that some men have more brains and are smarter then others. some men are stronger than others, and some men think different things than others. In TKAM they are all judging Atticus for helping the black man but i think that black men and white men make different choices but they shouldn't be judged for it because no men are equal. Gabbie B
Unknown said…
i also agree with mary ainsley because i think that people can change and not everything is different but not everything is the same. Gabbie B
Unknown said…
i agree with Andre' P because in Gods eyes we are all created equal but in some ways we are different but men are also all created equal in one way or another. Gabbie B
Anonymous said…
I think all men are created equal because even though people may not see us perfect, God does, so we are made out of his image. -Madison R

-I agree with ava because people are created equally, but people can make other people feel like they aren't good enough, or not equal to them. -Madison R

- I agree with gabby Richard because everyone is made in gods image, and we shouldn't judge people. -Madison reis
Anonymous said…
I agree with Madison R because all men are created equal. God even said it himself. Christopher Blanc
Unknown said…
I also agree with Mary-Ainsley because there are some people who have disabilities and cannot be treated like a normal human. Christopher Blanc
Unknown said…
I think that people should be treated equal no matter what their situation. It would cause a lot less fights to happen, and it should always be that way. Christopher Blanc
Anonymous said…
I agree with this statement because I think God created all of us equal and we all have unique strengths and weaknesses.
-Greg N
Anonymous said…
I disagree with John Werther because God loves us the same no matter what we have done. -Greg N
Anonymous said…
I beieve that a men are created equal even though not everybody is traeted equally We are all created in Gd's image Kaitlyn S.
Anonymous said…
I beieve that a men are created equal even though not everybody is traeted equally We are all created in Gd's image Kaitlyn S.
Anonymous said…
I agree with this statement becuase I think that everyone is born equally as a child, but men may change when they get older.
- Noah H
Unknown said…
I agree with this statement becuase I think that everyone is born equally as a child, but men may change when they get older.
- Noah H
Unknown said…
I agree with this statement becuase I think that everyone is born equally as a child, but men may change when they get older.
- Noah H
Unknown said…
I agree with Mary-Ainsley about how we are all born different so we aren't equal, but I want to add on that we are all equal in God's eyes. Brendan D.
Anonymous said…
No because people with disabilities can't necessarily do the same things as a normal person can. Conner C.
Anonymous said…
I DO believe that all people are born equal. The way we are brought up by the people around us is what affects our equality. -Tanner Adams
Unknown said…
I agree. I think that all men are created equal. I agree with Greg and Madison R, because God created everyone equal, people just treat others as if they are not equal.
Unknown said…
I agree with Gabbie B because some men's lives are better than other man's lives.
-Connor M
Anonymous said…
In god's eyes, we were all created equal. But also we weren't, because people with disabilities or diseases cannot partake in most things that people with no disabilities or illnesses can. But that doesn't mean that people with disabilities cannot find certain things they like to do.
Anonymous said…
In god's eyes, we were all created equal. But also we weren't, because people with disabilities or diseases cannot partake in most things that people with no disabilities or illnesses can. But that doesn't mean that people with disabilities cannot find certain things they like to do.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Gabbie B because some men's lives are better than other man's lives.
-Connor M
Unknown said…
I disagree with this statement. Each person is created by God, in their own unique way.
Mia H
Anonymous said…
I agree with Aiden because, God did make us all in unique ways but we should all still be treated just as well as any other person. -mia h
Anonymous said…
all people should be treated right. there shouldn't be someone not treated the same because you don't know if that could be you some day so don't treat them like that because you could be in the same boat one day.
Unknown said…
God created everyone equal with unique ways of showing our talents. But some people might be able to do things that others cannot. Lindsey R
Unknown said…
I think that all Men should be treated equally no matter how they are. Everyone is different in their own ways and people should respect that.
Unknown said…
I think that all Men should be treated equally no matter how they are. Everyone is different in their own ways and people should respect that.
Unknown said…
I agree with Luke S, and Julia W becasue ya we are created equal. not THE SAME, but equal. and another thing is that we should be treated as if we were equal because of how some people might react to the situation.
Unknown said…
People should be treated fairly no matter what
Unknown said…
People should be treated fairly no matter what
Anonymous said…
i also agree with greg. why is because god did make us to a content that is made for our own strength, and weaknessess and we should respect eachother for what they have that's bad or good. non of our right state to judge em.
Anonymous said…
I agree
Anonymous said…
I agree because I think that god made everyone equal but we all have our unique benefits and weaknesses.
Connor S_
Unknown said…
i agree with greg I think that every man is created equel but it is how you treat other people that makes you differetd in gods eyes we are all created equel /luke L
Anonymous said…
I agree with this statement because God created us in his eyes not in anyone else’s, so other people’s opinions should not matter.
Anonymous said…
I can agree with Christopher because I think that we should be treated equally and there is no reason why someone should be treated differently because of who they are. Ramey B
Unknown said…
Some people might not see us as a perfect human being and that is ok. God made us all unique and different. All people should be created equal no matter what. Maggie McCormcik
Unknown said…
I agree with greg because we all have different strengths and weaknesses, but that shouldnt make a difference on how people treat us. Maggie McCormick
Unknown said…
I agree with Madison because even though some people may see us differently, God always sees us in the best way possible. Maggie McCormick

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