TKAM Discussion 2 Philanthropy

Beginning today, we will participate in a moderated discussion forum regarding To Kill A Mockingbird.  Moderated indicates that I will be allowing or disallowing comments to appear--so your answer may not immediately post. All responses should be school appropriate, civil, and in complete sentences.

For each of the statements posted, reply with your thoughts, observations, or analysis from what you have read thus far, from your observations of the world around us, or from what you know in life. Then, once everyone has responded, choose at least two (2) persons to respond to directly.  They can be in  your class or not.  You can affirm their response, respectfully disagree, or add on and extend their thinking.  Use your posted thinking questions and charts from our Historical Fiction unit or previous units to help if needed.

Type your first name and last initial at the end of your post.

When approached, to whom would you give money to: a homeless person or a well-dressed stranger? Why?


Unknown said…
I would not give money to either, instead I would give the poor person food or bring them to buy food b/c they could just use the money for drugs and alcohol which got them in that position in the first place.
Unknown said…
If I was ever approached and asked for money by a well-dressed person, I would ask for their reason for the money because I have the right to spend my money how I want. In TKAM Walter Cunningham isn't the best dressed person, but he still is being educated and isn't homeless. Miss Caroline attempts to give Walter money to get lunch, but he doesn't take it because he cannot pay it back. A real world example is maybe a person that use to be middle class made poor decisions in their life, but they kept some basic necessities like nice clothes.
Unknown said…
I would give my money to both people. I would give less money to the well-dressed person. I would give money to the homeless looking person even though they could use it for drugs because you have to trust them. It is not your fault with what they do with it, but it is your fault for not helping them in their time of need. I would give it to the well-dressed person also because you never know what they could be going through. They could have a sickness and needs the cure. They could have all the money they need, but five dollars. So of course they will ask for money. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Walter Cunningham did not bring his lunch and he does not look rich. Miss. Caroline gave him a coin for lunch, but he would not take it. She did not know his story, but tried to help him. That is what we should do. We should not have to know everything about them before we give them the money. we should start to trust. Julia W.
Unknown said…
I would agree with the comment that said they would give the homeless food and ask the well dressed person because I don't want to fuel someones drug addiction or give money a fake homeless person. One time me and my cousin were approached by a stranger in a car and they asked us for food money. this didn't seem right to me that somebody who had a car was asking people for food money. also the person said that they were stuck at work all day. So they had a car and a job and were asking for food money. So now I would ask the person what the money is for and make my decision from there
Unknown said…
If I were approached by a well dressed person, I would ask for their intent with the money, and decide based on situation and urgency. I think that for a homeless person, I would also have to judge by situation because I know sometimes they spend that money on the wrong things like alcohol. In the real world, more and more people are begging on the streets because of addiction or other reasons in their past. I think it is good to help them, but be reasonable with how much you give away. In what I have read so far in TKAM, I know it was the great depression. Therefore, I'm sure people weren't going around giving all of their money away to anyone who asked. They would have to be very generous, and I don't know if I could do that. Ava C.
Anonymous said…
If I were approached by a homeless person- I would give them some money, but not a lot because you never know what they will spend the money on. If I was approached by a well dressed person- then I would question why they needed the money because it is obvious they have some money, then I would decide whether to give money or not give them anything. In TKAM, Walter Cunningham does not have the most money, but he is not homeless. At school, Walter can not except the quarter Miss Caroline is offering him because Walter can not pay it back. Gabby L
Anonymous said…
If I were to be approached by a homeless person, I would probably not give them the money because they would not spend it on something they need but instead on drugs. If I were to be approached by a well-dressed person, I wouldn't give any money to them because they probably have a job and I don't know what they would use the money for. Burris Ewell and Walter Cunningham are both poor in To Kill A Mockingbird. Ms. Caroline tries to give Walter a quarter because he didn't have money for his lunch. She told him to pay her later, not realizing that he was poor and wouldn't be able to pay it back. In real life people that fought in war have become poor, and they can't get a job. Some homeless people are hurt mentally.
Unknown said…
I would first ask the motive of the person asking whether it be the well dressed stranger or the homeless person to know why they would want my money. Once I heard what they needed the money for, I would then decide if I want to give my money to them or not.
Unknown said…
If I were approached by a homeless person and a well dressed person, I would most likely give the money to the homeless person. I would do this because I would be in a better situation than them, and even if though there is a chance that they will spend the money on drugs, some people might actually need that money for food. I cannot decide what they will do with it because it will be theirs, but at least there is a chance it will do some good in their life. I wouldn't give money to a well dressed person because I can only assume that they actually have money for a home and food because of how they are dressed. I don't actually know what they are going through, but what they are wearing gives me and idea of how their lifestyle might be.
Unknown said…
If I were approached by a homeless person and a well dressed person, I would most likely give the money to the homeless person. I would do this because I would be in a better situation than them, and even if though there is a chance that they will spend the money on drugs, some people might actually need that money for food. I cannot decide what they will do with it because it will be theirs, but at least there is a chance it will do some good in their life. I wouldn't give money to a well dressed person because I can only assume that they actually have money for a home and food because of how they are dressed. I don't actually know what they are going through, but what they are wearing gives me and idea of how their lifestyle might be. Ava B
Unknown said…
If I were approached by a homeless person and a well dressed person, I would most likely give the money to the homeless person. I would do this because I would be in a better situation than them, and even if though there is a chance that they will spend the money on drugs, some people might actually need that money for food. I cannot decide what they will do with it because it will be theirs, but at least there is a chance it will do some good in their life. I wouldn't give money to a well dressed person because I can only assume that they actually have money for a home and food because of how they are dressed. I don't actually know what they are going through, but what they are wearing gives me and idea of how their lifestyle might be. Ava B
Unknown said…
If I were to be approached by a homeless person, I would ask them why they want the money. I have the right to ask them because its my money and they want it. If they tell me I good reason, then I would give it to them. I would never know what they are going to do with that money, so that's why I would ask. I would have a bigger chance of giving money to the homeless person than the well-dressed person. I would still ask both of them their reasons though. In TKAM Miss Caroline attempts to give Walter a coin, but he says no because he cannot pay it back. She knows the reason why she would give him money though. She would give him money because he doesn't have a lunch, and since the most of the kids have respect for the teacher, they would do as Miss Caroline says. -Trevor F
Anonymous said…
If I was ever approached by someone that was well-dressed and asking for money, I would probably ask what would the use of the money would go to. Once the person would tell what the use of it would be I would decided if their reason is urgent enough to be able to give them my money. I would also have to think about if that person is going to go use that money to buy drugs or alcohol. If I ended up not giving the person money and I had food I would give that person some food. In our world today every street you turn on you see a homeless person. Some people are a scam and some people out here are actually homeless. Some people are homeless because of the past decisions that they have made or they are mentally ill from addictions. In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Miss Caroline offers Walter Cunningham a quarter for lunch and he will not except it. Little does Miss Caroline known that he will not be able to pay her back because he is poor. We should have enough trust to be able to trust that the person will use it in the right way. I definitely don't have that must trust and I really should because I don't know what that person has gone through.
Anonymous said…
Laynie R just commented that comment.
Anonymous said…
I feel i would give money to a homeless person more than i would wotha well dressed person because obviously someone who is homeless would not have money so i would want to help taht person but if a person that is well dressed would come up to me asking for money i would ask for an explanation because you don’t know what’s happening in other people’s lives. You also don’t know if a person is lying or not so i guess it just depends on the situation. -bella n
Anonymous said…
I agree with Ava B when she says that she wouldn't give money to a well-dressed person because you can't help but think that person has a home to live in and they are just trying to get extra money. I would only think this because of the way that they are dressed. Laynie R
Anonymous said…
I agree with Ava C when she says that she would ask them what the money was going to because if that person approached me I would like to see what they are going to say. They might have a real reason but most likely it is not the most true reason. Laynie R
Unknown said…
If i were approached by a homeless person or a wealthy person i might not give money to either. Unless i can tell tat they are truly homeless, neither of them will get money. Today in society there are so many "homeless" people on the streets who are just scamming you out of your money. if this person was truly homeless i might give them a dollar but there are many shelters and homes provided for homeless people, and many jobs that they could be trying to get and so that means they could be doing something about being homeless so why should i give someone my money to someone who would be doing something to get themselves out of this situation. I think that if this person has kids i would be more sympathetic but most of the other ones chose to do drugs,and chose to drink, and chose to make a decision that put them out on the street. Gabbie Berzas
Unknown said…
i agree with Laynie Rivette because the person might use it for reasons that are not smart and you would walk away knowing that your money is going to be spent on drugs or alchohol. I think that Laynie has a very good point and i agree with what she said fully.
Unknown said…
gabbie b just posted the one about Laynie Rivettes
Unknown said…
I agree with Laynie and Ava B because if a person on the side of the road can afford nice clothes than this person should be able to afford other things and take care of themselves financially. If this is not the case and they have little money they shouldn't spend what they have on nice clothes. If people are asking for money while being well-dressed its most likely an act. Anna V
Unknown said…
I agree with Ava B because you never actually know if the person is homeless, and many people fake being homeless. You just need to trust your instinct. I strongly agree with Ava
Gabbie Berzas
Anonymous said…
I would give my money to neither because let it be a homeless person or a well dressed person, you never know what they are going to do with your money. Even if I were to ask what they needed the money for they can still lie. And I guess its hard to say that I wouldn't give someone what they needed. But you never know what they are going to use the money for the homeless or well dressed person could use it on something that could get them into trouble. So before even thinking about giving them money my first idea would be to give them food. It's safer and would keep me from overthinking if I had just given my money to a person who would use it for the wrong reasons. Gabby P
Unknown said…
My thoughts on Philanthropy is that I would not give money to any person who has begged for it. I think like this because I do not know the situation of the person and whether or not I can trust the person or not. No, I would not give any person (dressed nicely or not) money, but I will however say a prayer for that person and express concern and that I care for that person. I may not be helping the person in a physical way but I am lifting up my prayers to God so that He can help any needy people. -Carson Quebedeaux
Anonymous said…
I would not give money to neither because for one the homeless man it could be a scam and they could be faking it or they could do something bad with your money. Secondly I would not give the well dressed man any money because if I saw a well dressed man begging for money I wouldn't believe that they need the money for a good reason because they obviously had enough money to buy nice outfit. I would maybe if I had like a bag of chips or something with me and the person looked like they really needed some help because I know they cant do anything bad with food. Where as with money they could use it for bad things or they could be scamming you. In To Kill a Mocking Bird Miss. Caroline offers a Cunningham money and she had only just met him. Miss.Caroline didn't know what he would do with her money but she trusted that he would use it responsibly. The Cunningham did not take the money because he knew he could not pay her back but if he did take it he most likely would have used it a good way to probably buy food or something but Miss.Caroline didn't know that when she offered him the money. The only difference now is there are so many people that fake needing money you don't know who you can trust anymore. Izzy F
Carson Quebedeaux said…
My thoughts on philanthropy is that I would not give money to any person who has begged for it. I think like this because I do not know the situation of the person and whether or not I can trust the person or not. No, I would not give any person (dressed nicely or not) money, but I will however say a prayer for that person and express concern and that I care for that person. I may not be helping the person in a physical way but I am lifting up my prayers to God so that He can help any needy people. While revising my answer, an example of this from "To Kill A Mockingbird" is when Walter Cunningham did not bring his lunch to school and Miss Caroline offered to give him money to buy a lunch. Although Miss Caroline did not give that much money, Walter still could have bought a lunch. What Miss Caroline did is the opposite of what I did but at the same time, I feel like Miss Caroline was pressured to do this because she was the teacher of Walter Cunningham. Props for Miss Caroline to stepping up tot he plate and giving Walter the money. A real life example of this can be the service project held Thursday nights downtown while feeding the homeless. It was never said that philanthropy was just about giving MONEY. Philanthropy is just about helping the poor in general and I may have helped with serving food instead of giving money away. with food, the poor really only have one option with the food, which is eat it while with money, the poor can do whatever they want with it and can possible buy illegal drugs, ect.
-Carson Quebedeaux
Anonymous said…
I would feel less inclined to give money to the person with the nice clothes, especially if I was in a hurry. I feel like if they have enough money to buy a nice suit or dress or something, then it makes me feel like they should have their needs met. But if you think about it, if someone really wanted to take advantage of me, you would think that they would try to 'sell' the image of a truly needy person by having more ratty looking clothing. What might have actually happened, was that that person could've spent most of their money to look presentable enough to have a better shot at getting a job. I would have actually have been hesitant to give money to the homeless person too. When I see a homeless person, my parents drive to the nearest fast food place to make sure that the money is used for their nourish. The assumption of the well dressed person could very well be wrong as are many other stereotypes. For example, Little Chuck Little is a gentleman all the way, yet he doesn't even know where his next meal is coming from. Calpurnia is another example of this as she is black and so most people would think that she talks "n- talk", when in reality, she really is very intelligent. Victoria L
Anonymous said…
It would depend who I would give money to. It would be very rare that I would give an nicely dressed person money, but I would think about giving them food or a daily necessity. If it was a homeless person I would give them a little bit of money and some food or daily necessities because they probably need it more. I would for sure though say a prayer that I am doing my right judgment on giving them money, and that if they are falsely asking for money that they can get some help come to God. Emma S
Anonymous said…
I agree with Laynie and Anna because like they said if a person who is begging for money is dressed in nice clothes he obviously has money to support himself. Also even if you give them money they will mot likely use it in un-responsible ways Izzy F
Anonymous said…
If I were approached by a homeless person and and a well dressed person, I would give the homeless person money rather than the well dressed person because a well dressed person had the money at some point to buy the outfit he/she was wearing. If they had the money at one point, that means that they had enough money to provide food for themselves or they would have bought food instead of nice clothes. If it were a homeless person, I might give them money but I would be hesitant because they could be faking it, but since I don't know, I have to trust that they are for real. If they are just wanting to use the money for drugs and do not even have money for their own food, that is their own fault, and they should know better. They can get up and go get a job for themselves if they want to, so it is their own choice what they do with their own money. Erin B.
Unknown said…
I agree with Carson on what he said because we also do not know what they will do with it.
Trevor F

Unknown said…
I agree with Gabby because if we just gave them food, we can trust they would do something good with it

Trevor F
Anonymous said…
I strongly agree with Gabbie Berzas because today in our society, the majority of the people are scamming you for your money and pretend to be something they are not. In our society, people get so lazy that they think they can just go on the street and beg for money, but if they were really homeless they could just as easily go to a shelter and get help there. That it why I would not want to give money to some homeless person on the street. Erin B.
Unknown said…
If I was approached by both a homeless and a well dressed person, I would give the money to the homeless person. This is because if the well dressed person had the money to buy nice clothed, then they shouldn't be needing to ask for money. With the homeless person though, you will just have to trust that they aren't faking it and will do something good with the money. Amelie G
Unknown said…
I agree with Gabby P because then you know that they will actually use it and not waste it on drugs. Amelie G
Anonymous said…
If I were approached by a homeless man I wouldn't give them money because who knows if they are trying to scam you for money, but if I were approached by a well-dressed man I also wouldn't give them money because if you are well dressed then I wouldn't think that you would need money. Of course, I don't know what's going on in their personal lives, but I also don't know if they are trying to trick me into giving them money. Brooklyn B
Anonymous said…
I agree with Carson because we don't know if a person actually needs the money, but everyone can use prayers, and God is much more powerful than any amount of money. Brooklyn B
Unknown said…
I agree with Gabbie Berzas to not give the person money if you can tell they are not homeless, but say they are. There are to many people that pretend that they are homeless to jut get money. If they lie to get money, then they don't deserve the money. Julia W.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Izzy because if you give a person money, then they can use it for drugs or alcohol, but if you give them food, then they can't do anything bad with that. Saying this, I would probably only give food to the homeless man because if I could see that the well dressed man didn't need it, then I would save it for myself or a homeless man. Brooklyn B
Anonymous said…
Both, Because Jesus said Ask and you shall receive, so by giving, you are doing the work of Christ. John Werther
Anonymous said…
I disagree with Brooklyn B because Not all homeless people are drug addicts, they could have fallen on hard times or have been born into that situation. Also, the well dresses man could have lost his job and home and that fancy suite is all he has. John Werther
Anonymous said…
I disagree with Julia because As I said about Brooklyn's comment, Stereotyping is a sin and that is bad in itself. Also, For every person who fakes being homeless and needing money, there is one who desperately needs it just to make it through the day. John Werther
Unknown said…
If I was approached by a homeless man, I wouldn't give them money because I don't know their current situation. The person could be faking needing the money and use it on other things. "In To Kill a Mocking Bird" Walter Cunningham did not bring his lunch to school, but Miss Caroline offered money to Walter. Even though this is not what I said I would do, Walter did not take the money because he knew he didn't have anything to repay her back with. Allyson F
Anonymous said…
I would give money to the homeless person instead of the well-dressed person because is the well-dressed person has enough money to look presentable, then they shouldn’t be asking for money. There is a chance that the homeless person could be a person with a home posing as homeless to get money or a homeless who plans to use the money on drugs or alcohol, but at least there is a chance that they actually plan to use the money for good. Catherine C
Unknown said…
I agree with Izzy F because if a person is asking for money and you don't want them to use it on things they don't need. You could instead of giving them money, give them things they need (food, clothes, and etc) Allyson F
aiden breaux said…
I would be more likely to give the homeless person money because they have NOTHING. The person with the nice outfit chose to spend his money on his outfit rather than the necessities. I still do think that if people are homeless because most of the homeless people are homeless because of either addictions or poor choices, but I would still donate to them out of sympathy for what they are going through. I wouldn't donate to the people with nice clothes on because they had the choice to spend their money on whatever they want, and they bought that instead of the necessities. Aiden B
Anonymous said…
I agree with Erin B because it’s true that a homeless person could be faking it or planning to use the money for something other than food, water, necessities, etc. But that is more promising than a well dressed person that had the money at one point to buy their outfit. Catherine C
Anonymous said…
I agree with Ava B because it makes sense to trust a homeless person more than a well dressed person to use the money on necessities that are vital to their health. Catherine C
Unknown said…
I agree with Bella N because even those who are dressed nicely, can need the money. They could be having life issues and need the money for at least something. You don't know what is going through everybody's lives. Allyson F
aiden breaux said…
I agree with Brooklyn because I wouldn't give the well dressed person money for anything because they bought those nice clothes. For the homeless person I would also be reluctant to give them money because I don't know if they are acting homeless to make a quick buck. Aiden B
aiden breaux said…
I agree with Amelie because we need to trust that the homeless people aren't faking it, and if the person in nice clothes had the money to spend his money on that suit. Aiden B
Unknown said…
I have always told my self that I would never give money to anyone that I do not know. In our society and generation many people use money for their drugs and addictions. I would not like the money I worked hard for to be wasted. If I would ever see a homeless man begging for something I would go but him something to eat. I will always be willing to go but what ever they need, but not give money directly to them becausw I want to know what my money is being used for. If someone well dressed came up to me I would still do the same thing, because that is what my mom does and I feel that would sit better in my stomach then wondering what my money is being used for.
Ashlyn S
Unknown said…
I agree with Brooklyn ans Izzy. I agree with Brooklyn because many people can just be scamming for extra stuff. Anyone ould dress uo and make themselves look homeless,but in reality they could be rolling in the dough. I would do my best to help out who ever, but I would never give them money directly.
Unknown said…
I agree with Brooklyn and Izzy because we do not know what the people are asking for and what they will do with our money. I would rather give them something else like clothes, but I would never give money direvtly.Ashlyn S
Unknown said…
I would not give money to either because the guy in nice clothes, he doesn't need it and the homeless guy probably will use it for bad things. There is only a couple ways that people are homeless. 1. they lost their job and have nowhere to live 2. they are mentally ill 3. They are addicted to drugs and alcohol. I would give to places that support homeless people, but I would not give to the people themselves. Johnathan F
Anonymous said…
I would give money to both of them because I don't know their situations. I know that they could possibly spend it on something wrong, but they might also be having an emergency.
Laura C
Anonymous said…
I don't necessarily disagree with Carson Q. instead, I'm really interested in his point of view. Though we have different perspectives, I suppose I can see where he's coming from.
I agree with Julia W in that money can be given to both. I really understand the part about it being your fault if something goes wrong from their lack of money.
Laura C
Anonymous said…
I would give the money to the homeless person. I wouldn't give them a whole lot just in case it was a scam. The society we live in isn't the most trustworthy, but I think that since I feel bad for those who are poor I have to give them at least a little bit. I would only give money to a "well-off person" if they needed like two dollars, because they forgot their money. I would do this, because I would feel bad to not giving someone money. If they didn't need it then it isn't like I lost much. If it was someone poor though, then I couldn't live with myself if I didn't give them money. Why couldn't I just give them a few dollars? I think it sometimes depends on the situation and that it should only be a few dollars. I just wouldn't feel right. Evan C.
Unknown said…
I would give the money to the homeless person because it would seem as if he needed the money more. A well dressed person would be able to sell something on him if he were to need the money, but if the well dressed person would give a good enough reason (lost his wallet, and needs a ride home on the bus) I would give him a few dollars.
Camille M.
Unknown said…
I disagree with Ashlyn because some people need the money mot=re than we do so that they can buy food or shelter, but if they choose to buy unnecessary items with the money, it is their fault.
Camille M.
Unknown said…
I agree with Catherine because i think that people should ask for money only when they need it. If they only need it for drugs, then they should try to get off the drug.
Camille M.
Anonymous said…
I would give the money to both people because everybody could possibly have a good reason for needing it. For example, say one day a well-dressed man forgets his wallet and asks you for a couple of dollars. In this case, he has a plausible reason for needing money. In the book, Cal's church needs money and the reverend has a good reason to ask, as Robinson's family needs support.
I agree with Julia W, in that everyone may be going through something they need help with. I also don't necessarily disagree with Carson, I'm just really interested about his point of view. It's interesting to see another's thinking from an opinion that opposes mine. I think I can see where he is coming from, but I am still sticking with my answer.
Laura C
Unknown said…
I personally would not give my money to either of them, I would not give it to them because some homeless people a.use it for drugs, b.use it for alcohol, and c. not give money to well-dressed people because they don't need it and they probably have jobs.
-I agree with Ashlyn because what she did say was true the homeless people do use it for bad not all but most.
-I disagree with Laura because the money you are giving them they could be wasting it and using you to get money so they can buy something bad
- I agree with Brooklyn because she is right homeless men and women use it for bad and if they do need food they should go to a shelter.
Anonymous said…
I personally would not give my money to either of them, I would not give it to them because some homeless people a.use it for drugs, b.use it for alcohol, and c. not give money to well-dressed people because they don't need it and they probably have jobs.
-I agree with Ashlyn because what she did say was true the homeless people do use it for bad not all but most.
-I disagree with Laura because the money you are giving them they could be wasting it and using you to get money so they can buy something bad
- I agree with Brooklyn because she is right homeless men and women use it for bad and if they do need food they should go to a shelter.
Anonymous said…
I personally would not give my money to either of them, I would not give it to them because some homeless people a.use it for drugs, b.use it for alcohol, and c. not give money to well-dressed people because they don't need it and they probably have jobs.
-I agree with Ashlyn because what she did say was true the homeless people do use it for bad not all but most.
-I disagree with Laura because the money you are giving them they could be wasting it and using you to get money so they can buy something bad
- I agree with Brooklyn because she is right homeless men and women use it for bad and if they do need food they should go to a shelter.
Rory Daigle
Anonymous said…
I agree with Ava B when she said "If I were approached by a homeless person and a well dressed person, I would most likely give the money to the homeless person. I would do this because I would be in a better situation than them, and even if though there is a chance that they will spend the money on drugs, some people might actually need that money for food." I think it is very hard to judge what a homeless person will use the money for, so that is why i can't give a 100% answer of yes or no. I would have gto judge on situation, but I think as a catholic, we should be generous. Walter was still a kind boy, even though he was poor, not homeless. Ava C.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Camille's reasoning of saying she would give the homeless person money because he needed it more. We are more fortunate, so we should give to the less fortunate. Ava C.
Anonymous said…
I would not give money to either because the homeless person might be faking begging and they could just go get a job. I would not give it to a well dressed stranger becasue if they can afford the clothes than they probably don't need the money.
-Hunter E
Unknown said…
I would give money to a homeless man because he doesn't have any money at all and he really could use it for something useful like food. I wouldn't give it to a nice dressed up man because he probably has money and is just trying to scam you out of money so he could get more money. He is trying to steal your money. The homeless man needs it more. Holden S
Unknown said…
I disagree with Laura because the well dressed up man probably has money since he could afford those clothes. He would probably scam you and try to take your money. But I agree with you that we should give the money to both if they need it and if the well dressed man actual has a good reason for you to give him money. Holden S.
Unknown said…
I agree with Evan because maybe the homeless person might scam you, but at least we should give them a little money in case they actually need it for something useful. Society isn't trust worthy and that a lot of people lie about things to get other things like scammers like probably the well dressed man. Holden S.
Anonymous said…
I agree with John when he said that by giving we are doing the work of Christ. We don't need that extra ten dollars but the person asking might. I know they could be scammers, but if they are they will have to pay for it in the end. At least you could go home knowing you did something right. Julia W.
Anonymous said…
I would give money to both the homeless and the well-dressed man if they needed it essentially. If I thought it was a scam or they were lying, and buy it for something like drugs or alcohol, I wouldn't give it to them. Basically, I would just be careful, and only give money depending on the scenario. Sam J
Unknown said…
I partly agree with Camille because I would give the homeless person money in the form of gift cards, so He/She wouldn't go by drugs or anything, but if the guy was well dressed, I would ask the reason, then ask for proof, then I would provide for him. This has to do with TKAM because Walter was poor and had no money and Mrs. Caroline gave him a coin for lunch. She didn't know the situation, but she could most likely trust him because there was not that much drugs or anything harmful that is addicting in the great depression such as drugs, and I guarantee that Walter is not going to be on drugs at his age.
Anonymous said…
I would give money to both people, but I would have to know their reasoning. Obviously I would give money to the homeless person, but I would ask if they are going to buy food or clothing with it. If the well dressed man would come up to me and ask for money, I would definitely want to know why, because that person looks like they could support themselves.
I agree with Camille M., because if it was something like they lost their wallet and they need to get somewhere, I would pay for their traveling services, and a homeless person would definitely need the money more than me.
Parrish L.
Unknown said…
I would give the money to the homeless person because from how he looks it seems like he needs more. Which actually that may not always be the case. We shouldn't judge someone by just how they look and decide who needs the money more because everyone is in a different situation.
Mary-Ainsley A
Unknown said…
I like how Laura answered because that is right sometimes both people need the money and not just the one that looks more needy needs it.
Mary-Ainsley A
Unknown said…
I like how Brooklyn thought of this and thought about our society too. How sometimes we could be getting scammed now a days.
Mary-Ainsley A
Anonymous said…
I agree with Laura C. I think the same about if someone just needs a few bucks. I also agree how she would give money to both, because I would too. It definitely depends on the situation. Evan C.
Anonymous said…
I kind of disagree with Johnathan F., but I do understand his point of view. I understand how he thinks that he shouldn't give away his money to someone who dug themselves into their own hole. I definitely agree with the part about giving money to homeless shelters. I agree that the people who are in that position most likely are in there because of something bad, but I would have to give at least a little bit. I would feel bad if I didn't. I also think there are some situations where someone in a nice suit should get some money. Not much at all, but at least something. Evan C.
Anonymous said…
I disagree with gabby p because even though people can lie to us, we could stick to morals and if not just give them a daily necessity that they could use.
Anonymous said…
i problem would not because if they are well dressed means that they problem got the money and did not choose it wisely.addison phares
Anonymous said…
i agree with evan and disagree because they did do it to themselves. but i agree because it does not hurt u that much. addison phares
Anonymous said…
i agree with mary ainsley because we can get scammed really bad now day in our society. addison phares
Anonymous said…
I wouldn't give money to either, depending on the situation. If someone looks extremely ill and in need of something, I would give them food or water, not money. You never know what someone could use money for and you wouldn't want to give money to someone that would use them for bad things. Instead, you can do a corporal work of mercy and help people out with what they actually need.Another scenario would be if someone needs money for something like gas money or something I would maybe give a little bit to a well dressed person. If its someone that appears to be homeless, they probably don't have a car so they are most likely lying. Gabby R.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Laura C because she has a point that you never know what is actually going on in their life and you can't judge a book by its cover. Gabby R
Anonymous said…
I would not give a homeless person money if we walked up to me because he could use that money for drugs or alcohol or drugs. Also some homeless people are fake, one person was caught driving a brand new Mercedes after begging for money.
-Greg N
Anonymous said…
I forgot to mention that I wouldn't give money to a well dressed person either because I work hard for my money, he can find his own. I would rather give to a charity like St. Jude's Children Hospital.
-Greg N
Anonymous said…
I wudn't give moeny to a homeless person because if they really are homeless it would be more helpful for me to give them things like food and water.Kaitlyn S.
Unknown said…
I would give my money to a homeless man because if they don't look good then I'll help them. But you never know because maybe they're just acting out.
-Noah H
Anonymous said…
I would give a little bit of money to them if I had some on me. If they are lying, the only thing it does to me is the loss of a few dollars, but if they are not lying, then I helped them out. -Tanner Adams
Anonymous said…
I agree with Mary- Ainsley because she says that we shouldn't judge a book by its cover. I think we shouldn't be so quick to assume something and maybe sometimes we should help. Gabby R
Anonymous said…
When I see someone who might look like they are poor or homeless, it doesn't necessarily mean they are. They could be dressed up as one for money or they COULD actually be homeless and poor and seeking shelter. But a welly dressed person could be very poor as well, so I would not give my money to either.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Ava B because if a well dressed person asks for money then they just want money even though they have money. But if a homeless person asked for money I would give that person money because they don't have any.
-Connor M
Anonymous said…
I would give it to both of them because,even if their well dressed, there may be something else going on in their life to where they need money. -mia h
Anonymous said…
I agree with Laura because, it isn`t right to judge someone when you don`t know whats really going on in their life -mia h
Anonymous said…
I would not give money to either of the people, because you cannot tell what is going on in the well dressed person's life, nor the poor homeless person's life. There is no way of telling what they are going to spend the money on, too. Lindsey R
Unknown said…
I would probably give them a little bit of money because they are in a worse situation than me and I have to realize that. I would just have to trust that they would not go spend the money on something bad like drugs. I do know that some of those things are scams but i would rather do the right thing.
Unknown said…
I agree with Laura C Austin hollier
Anonymous said…
i would bring the poor person food, because he would do bad with the money i give him so i dont want to waste my music on what he wants to buy.
Anonymous said…
i agrre with Laura, you should never judge a book by it's cover, and you never know if bad or good can come out of a situation.
Anonymous said…
i agree with Gabby R, why is becasue i would rlly only give em something if they are truly sick or ill. not if they are sitting fine and have decent clothes on.
Unknown said…
i give it to the homeless man because the homelss man is poor. Luke L
Unknown said…
If I were to even give them money, I would probably give the homeless person money instead of the more well dressed person. I agree with Sam and Holden S, because if the person really seemed to need the money, then I would give them a few dollars. Landon R
Anonymous said…
To a homeless person because they need it more than me and the well dressed person.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Parrish because if I’m giving money to someone, I would want it to be for a good cause. Conner C.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Laura because if someone really needed it to get somewhere, i would give them some money. Conner C.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Laura because I think we should look at both sides of the story. We can't think they have money based on what they are wearing, and we cant think they are poor because of what they have. Ramey B
Unknown said…
if a homeless person asked me for money I would probably give them something like food because i dont know what they would do with the money. If a well dressed person came up to me i would probably wouldnt give them anything because i feel now days most of those are scams. Maggie McCormick
Unknown said…
I agree with Laura because you cant judge someone by what they look like. And i wouldnt know what is going on in their life.

I also agree with Gabby R because you dont know if that person you give the money to would go do something bad with it. Maggie McCormick

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