The Hot Zone - Day Four
By now, many of you are using the GoogleDocs to gather the questions and should be finishing up Part 1. Please comment on both Take Stock! situations and then respond to at least one other student's response. Please have all comments completed by Saturday and responses by Sunday evening. This means you all need to have finished Part 1 by Saturday. Monday, you will meet during class for discussion.
Ebola River
is the virus’ original spreading point? Who was the “index case”?
is the fatality rate in Ebola Sudan strain (subtype) and how does it compare to
the Marburg strain and to the bubonic plague in medieval Europe?
stock! What would happen if Ebola was let loose in a hospital? You would be
safe, you’re in a hospital. Is this theory correct? Give five reasons why you
feel safe or unsafe and one piece of evidence to support your position.
hot as it is used in this book.
Get a
map of your region and make a quarantine plan. What roads, transportation
routes, other measures do you have to close and why? Do you close going in,
out, or both? (Complete this generally for the city of Lafayette.)
“The red chamber of the virus queen” is a
metaphor to what other organism?
is the distinction between parasites and predators?
the shape of the virus particle called the 'shepherd's crook."
stock! What would you do in Nancy Jaax's situation?
a story about what might happen and the chaos that would go on if a student
came to school with the Ebola virus. (You can do this activity as a group, if you'd like.)
Going Deep
were the methods used to collect samples? Describe how light traps and pitfall
traps work.
is an antibody and how does this test confirm the presence or absence of a virus?
does Pasteur’s quote “chance favors the prepared mind” mean? What were
Pasteur’s contributions to our knowledge of bacteria and fungi?
It can be spread airborne
There can be bodily fluids on tables, chairs, etc.
They could have touched items in the hospital
The dead bodies are contagious
If the patient " goes down" the virus would try to find a new host
The 2000 outbreak of Ebola in Uganda started when two nurses got it in a hospital.
-- Logan
-Ebola is airborne
-The nurse that is taking care of you could have Ebola
-dirty needles
-blood may be on walls or other objects
-when person dies and blood spreads everywhere
The outbreak in the Yambuku Mission Hospital
-Mary Nole :D
It is airborne,
you can have contact with other people ,
and once there new body dies, it would look around trying to find a new host.
Another reason would be that items around the hospital would be contagious or covered in blood.
Last reason it would be unsafe is that the doctors and nurses go all around the hospital and spread it.
Evidence would be the break out in Guinea this year which states that it spread by contact. (Evidence for the second one.)
If Ebola was let loose in a hospital i think it would spread very quickly. It would spread quickly because of the fact that nurses don't tend to just one person at a time, they are all over the hospital. They also come in contact with other nurses that tend to people in other wings of the hospital so it travels all over.
I feel unsafe because:
1- there is no cure for Ebola
2- it can be spread airborne
3- anything in the hospital could be contaminated
4- even if the body is dead it can still be contagious
5- the bodily fluids might not have been disposed of and cleaned up correctly
-Chloe' LeBlanc
1. The virus can be airborne.
2. The doctors tending patients can get it.
3. The doctors could spread it to other patients.
4. The doctors could spread it to other doctors.
5. No treatment for the disease.
The virus spread very quickly in the Yambuku Mission Hospital.
1. The virus can be airborne.
2. The doctors tending patients can get it.
3. The doctors could spread it to other patients.
4. The doctors could spread it to other doctors.
5. No treatment for the disease.
The virus spread very quickly in the Yambuku Mission Hospital.
- Chloe'
- Mason