Outsiders Theme 3 Group

First, you will exchange concrete details found in The Outsiders to support your theme through blog posts and comments. Two different concrete details must be sumbitted (one from each group). Secondly, you will exchange personal or general real-world examples illustrating the theme in today's society. Again the ideas must differ. Finally, you will exchange support for and disagreement with Hinton's message.
Appearances can be an important reflection of social status.
Tyler, Andrew, Victoria + Ben M. Hannah, Ben L.

To reply, click on the # Comments link at the end of blog entry, type your response in the Leave A Comment box, and under Choose Your Identity choose the Name/URL option, and type only your first name in the space provided. Responses are moderated, so expect a delay in the posting of your response.


Tyler, Victoria, and Andrew said…
Our theme is that appearance can be a more important reflection of social status. Pony states that “Greasers are almost like hoods, who steal things and drive old souped up cars and hold up gas stations, and have a fight with the gang once in a while” and that they have “Long hair and wear t shirts and blue-jeans or leave our shirttails out and wear leather jackets and tennis shoes or boots.im not saying that greasers or better than socs, I’m just saying.” They beat them up because they are poor and are hoods.
Hannah, Ben M. and Ben L. said…
We agree with what you said and we have a plethora of examples. For example, when Pony was in the classroom with this girl, he took out a pocket knife. When she saw this, she gave a him an ugly look and said, " You are a hood." Another example is when Dally was holding the gun under the street light. People who saw him didn't understand that he only had the gun for protection. People thought he was a bad, tough guy who didn't care about anything. One more example is when the boys were at the movies and they met up with Cherry and Sandy. Sandy thought that the boys were dirty little hoodlums. Cherry on the other hand looked past the clothes and saw them for who they were.
Hannah, Ben M. and Ben L. said…
We agree with what you said and we have a plethora of examples. For example, when Pony was in the classroom with this girl, he took out a pocket knife. When she saw this, she gave a him an ugly look and said, " You are a hood." Another example is when Dally was holding the gun under the street light. People who saw him didn't understand that he only had the gun for protection. People thought he was a bad, tough guy who didn't care about anything. One more example is when the boys were at the movies and they met up with Cherry and Sandy. Sandy thought that the boys were dirty little hoodlums. Cherry on the other hand looked past the clothes and saw them for who they were.
victoria,andrew, tyler said…
Thank you for your response. We appreciate your point of view and agree with what you said about Ponyboy, Dally, Sandy, and Cherry. Some real world examples are when people go to the “hood”, the bad part of town. They are uncomfortable, because everybody in this part of town knows each other so they can gang up on one another. If you see somebody on the street you might think of them as a bad person automatically even though they are still human. They also have violence because that’s how they protect themselves. If you see a person and they have different life styles, or different cultures, they stand out. Just like the Greasers they have long hair and old clothes that make them stand out in the crowd.
Hannah, Ben L., Ben M. said…
When we were thinking about the greasers, we made a real life connection. For example, if someone was going to job interview and they did not look very presentable, they might not get the job even though they might be perfect for that job. Another real life connection is sometimes whenever someone is going to a restaurant or store and they might not smell to good or their not dressed properly, they might not get waited on because people think they don't even have enough money to buy things. All were trying to say is that even though some people aren't dressed as you would want them to be, does not mean that they are a bad person. Thank you for responding to our previous blog and we are looking forward to seeing what you have to say.
Tyler, Victoria, Andrew said…
Thank you for your comments they had alot of details and exepressed the main idea.
hannah, ben m, and ben l said…
We appreciate what you had to say. Some more examples of this would be how sometimes very strong weight lifters are known to be strong and tough, but some of them might be soft and sweet on the inside(Darry). Another example would be the way people live. For example, some people who live in run down or dirty houses, might be taken for a dirty person who doesn't care about life. But this person might actually be a person who really cares about life. They just might not have enough money to afford to buy nice things. It doesn't matter how much money you have, as long as you are a good person on the inside.
Victoria, Tyler, Andrew said…
You had a good example about Darry being soft and sweet on the inside. Also what you said about how people are sometimes poor but they still love the gift of life. Our last example is when Ponyboy broke the bottle to scare the Socs away. Overall we agree with the main idea of Appearance can be an important reflection of social status. We as a group think that S. E Hintons theme is still used today in our society.

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