The Outsiders Theme Exchange Final Activity

Ladies and gentlemen,
Both Mrs. D and I are impressed with your dedication, thoughts, and enthusiasm for this collaborative project. Kudos to you all!

You have read all seven themes and the comments associated with each. Which theme does your group feel is most relevant to students your age in today's society? Discuss this question in your groups and rank the list of themes from most relevant to least relevant.

Today while we Skype, in your groups you will complete a Visual Ranking activity.
  1. Login to the following site: The Teacher ID is tchiasson, and the Team ID and Password will be given to you by your teacher. Type the information in and click Sign In.
  2. Click on the The Outsiders Theme Exchange link found under Project Name.
  3. You will see a list with the 7 themes listed. Click and drag the list in the order your group chooses, from most relevant/important to least relevant/important.
  4. Be prepared to verbally justify your rankings. What criteria are you using to rank? Why is this item ranked higher/lower than that one? I have entered a sample comment of a justification for why I ranked the list the way I did.
  5. Click the disk or Save button in the top left part of the ranking area.
  6. Click on the third button from the left. This is the Compare button. Use the drop down list to compare your rankings with the Class Average and the other groups. How do your rankings compare? differ?
  7. The Show Report button allows you to print your rankings. We will not use this feature. Ask your teacher before using this feature or printing after our meeting.
  8. Once we are finished, click on Back to Your Projects at the top right corner. Then click Log Out. Close the Intel window.

This ranking activity will lead us into a round table discussion/critique of the products and processes of the past week.


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