The Hot Zone Question 4

Using your knowledge of The Hot Zone, write a letter to either the author or to a character in the true story. Be clear which person you are referring to in your Salutation line (Dear ___,).

Post your letter by Friday, Feb. 5.


Drew said…
Dear Nancy and Jerry,
Nancy, Jerry has the right idea you shouldn't mess with Ebola. No one should it is a killing machine. Easy to catch and easier to spread. I know wemon's rights and all, but it is a scary thing. Jerry had the right ieda until the monkey house, but they to had protection from it. Reshearch what you will, Ebola is one scary thing,
Andrew said…
Dear, Gene Johnson

I am writing this to you to see if we can make a habitat for the monkeys to where they can be tested and in a healthy enviorment. The building will be made of glass and be in a dome shape. It could hold many monkeys. The monkeys will be fed and kept in a safe enviorment away from predators. the monkeys will be fed and away from other monkeys. The purpose of this is to see what the monkeys do in their enviorment that causes them to get the disease. after that you could pinpoint the source of the virus and put a stop to it. That will save many lifes and put a stop to the virus life.

From, Andrew
Cameron said…
Dear Charles Monet,
You seemed so interested in Kitum Cave and I would like to know why you were so interested in it. You seemed so interacted with the wildlife like the crow and the monkey at the gate to the National park. My final question is that how do you think you contracted Ebola and what did you think of it?
Andrew said…
To drew: I like how you state the fact that we should never come in contact with the virus. I think instead of humans in the future send robots.
Drew said…
To Cameron: Nice letter short and to the point.

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